
FAQ( Frequently Ask Questions)

1. Do I need an account to place an order ?

 -  Nope, you don't need to have an account to place an order with Thalasi Knitfab. You can simply shop, add items to the cart, and check out.  When you place your order, you can provide an email address for order confirmations so you can track your order.

2. Which Payment methods do you accept ?

 -  We accept directly the following types of credit card payments: VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. Please note that the available payment methods may change depending on your region.

After submitting your order, you will be prompted to fill in your billing information and will be able to choose your credit card.

3. What shipping method do you provide ?

 -  We offer Free Shipping above order RS 500.

4. How long will it take to receive my order ?

 -  Within India: A. for metros, delivery time is normally 1-2 days. B. for cities and towns other than metros, delivery time is normally 2-4 days. C. for rural areas, the delivery time is normally 3-7 days.

5. Whats is your return policy ?

 -  Our Return and Exchange Policy offers you the option to return or exchange items within 7 days of the receipt.

6. How do i pay for a Thalasi Knitfab Purchase ?

-  For India, we accept payments through various options like Credit Card, Debit Card, Net banking, UPI, EMI, Wallet, Bank Transfer or COD (Cash On Delivery). 

7. Is it safe to use my Credit Card or Debit Card ?

-   All credit cards, Debit Card and net banking transactions are processed over a secure encrypted connection. So it is absolutely safe!

8. Are there any hidden charges ?

-  For shipping within India, there are NO hidden charges (GST, State Tax) when you make a purchase on Thalasi Knitfab. List prices are final and all-inclusive. The price what you see on the product page is exactly what you would pay.

9. What should i do if my payment fails ?

-  In case of payment failure, please retry ensuring:  Information passed on to payment gateway is accurate i.e. account details, billing address, password (for net banking) or your Internet connection is not disrupted in the process.

If your account has been debited after a payment failure, it is normally rolled back to your bank account within 7 business days. You can email us on or please give us a call on +91 7621052013 with your order number for any clarification.

10. I see debit transactions on my bank statement from Thalasi Knitfab but i have never shopped with Thalasi knitfab. What should i do ?

-  If you see any charges on your credit/debit card for purchases made on, but you have never created an account or signed up, please check with your family members or business colleagues authorized to make purchases on your behalf.

If you're still unable to recognize the charge, please report the unauthorized purchase within 60 days of the transaction so that we can look into it.